"Saving people, hunting things. Family business."
(In English only.) If I made a top 10 of my favorite TV shows, this would be number 1. I like pretty much everything about 'Supernatural', the writing, the actors, the music... Although I remember when it started I thought it would be yet another stupid teen-horror-show. I'm so glad I was wrong. Season 7 is about to start 23th of September, so it's time to talk about this show. (We've only had 4 seasons so far in Finland, so I'll try to keep this post spoiler free from season 4->.) Oh boy, this is going to be hard...
I'm pretty sure many of you know this show and probably something about its plot. It started with two brothers on the road, hunting scary things and looking for their father. Well, I don't even have to say that it's so much more than that. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) have fought demons, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, witches, giant teddy bears, ghosts, you name it. The show mixes horror, drama, comedy and mystery so well. I've laughed, cried, been scared... I'd like to write dozens of funny quotes from the show and post dozens of pictures from the episodes. But I guess you need to see it for yourself to get how awesome this show is.
I'm pretty sure many of you know this show and probably something about its plot. It started with two brothers on the road, hunting scary things and looking for their father. Well, I don't even have to say that it's so much more than that. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) have fought demons, ghouls, vampires, werewolves, witches, giant teddy bears, ghosts, you name it. The show mixes horror, drama, comedy and mystery so well. I've laughed, cried, been scared... I'd like to write dozens of funny quotes from the show and post dozens of pictures from the episodes. But I guess you need to see it for yourself to get how awesome this show is.
We've come a long way since season 1. Most dramatic plot line (in my opinion) has been Dean's deal with a demon where he sold his soul and got one year to live to keep Sam alive. It really kicked things in motion. The show was quite daring and Dean actually went to Hell when his time was up. Which gave us a new major plot line and in the first episode of season 4 we meet yet another supernatural being, angel Castiel. It's no surprise that angels are not exactly what you would expect.
Castiel (Misha Collins), an angel of the Lord (or 'Holy Tax Accountant' according to Dean).
"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."
The show has a lot of wonderful characters, but quite too often they end up dead. Supernatural starts be famous for killing everyone who visits the show. Their uncle Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) is one of the rare survivors and life saving father figure to the boys. And family is what keeps the boys fighting. And of course their car '67 Chevy Impala gets honorable mention. The car is basically their home and it turns out to be more important than anyone would've thought of. She's Dean's baby and she truly is gorgeous.
Dean's baby...
"Hi. Glad to meet you. Bobby Singer, paranoid bastard."
It's so hard to write about something you really love. I could get all fangirly and rant about little details that very few even notices (like how Impala gradually gets dirtier when Dean is distressed or how the color green is used in the background when the boys are in danger). I could rant how pretty the boys are (yes, I watch it for the plot!!) or how funny, fantastic and surreal actor Misha Collins is in real life (for example, he ran 80 km in one day for charity and his Twitter is just crazy).
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Boys in black & white, from '4x05 Monster Movie'. |
Are there other Supernatural fans there? Your favorite episode(s)? (I have so many, but here's one from every season: '1x01 The Pilot', '2x15 Tall Tales', '3x08 Very Supernatural Christmas', '4x01 Lazarus Rising', '5x16 Dark Side Of The Moon' & '6x04 Weekend At Bobby's').
Do you have other TV shows you love?
"Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole."
from Tumblr
Mäkin tykkään tästä! Ihan fanitukseen asti en ole päässyt, mutta aina kun telkkarista on näitä tullut niin olen katsonut mielenkiinnolla. Pitäisi varmaan ladata koneelle. Tässä sarjassa mun mielestä juoni on hyvä joka jaksossa, ei tule paljoa sellaisia d'oh-hetkiä kuten esimerkiksi Vampire Diariesissa (anteeksi nyt jos joku tykkää :D). Tässä stoorissa on alku, keskikohta ja loppu niin koko kaudessa kuin joka jaksossakin ja se on mielestäni käsikirjoituksen viitseliäisyyden merkki, menee tämäntyyppisissä sarjoissa helposti vain uusien örkkien esittelyksi. Lisäksi erikoistehosteet on toteutettu kivasti.
ReplyDeleteSarjafanitukseni yli kaiken on True Blood... Voih <3
I LOVE SUPERNATURAL. I feel terribly behind and am in the process of rewatching it from the start, and now I'm scolding myself for letting myself get behind. I've fallen in love with it all over again. <3 My favourite eps are the ones with the Tricker/Gabriel.
ReplyDeleteJos tosiaan haluaa seurata tätä sarjaa, niin netti on ystävä. Subtv näyttää 5. kauden varmaan joskus 1-1,5 vuoden päästä.
Seuraan myös Vampyyri päiväkirjoja, vaikka se on välillä todella rasittavaa hömppää. Mutta silti se jaksaa viihdyttää ja uusi kausikin alkoi Jenkeissä viikko sitten. :)
True Bloodista kirjoittelen varmaan jossain vaiheessa, koska sitäkin olen seurannut ihan alusta asti.
YAY! :) I just watched the first episode of season 7 and I'm super excited. Season 6 was a bit uneven, but now it's looking good. I love my show. <3
Oh, Mr. Trickster, how I miss you!! Fantastic character.
ReplyDeletetuolta voi katella kaikkia kausia ilmaiseksi ja uusia jaksoja tulee kokoajan lisää sivustolle parasta sivustossa ei tarvi ladata jaksoja koneelle vaan voi kattoo suoraan
terveisin supernatural fani
Seuraan hieman eri reittejä sarjaa melkein reaaliajassa, mutta jollekin muulle varmasti hyvä linkki, eli kiitoksia siitä. :)